The Book Of John

May 12, 2018 | Test 123

The book of John Part 1

Integrating with CCB is definitely something we can assist you with. We have a few different ways that we can integrate with CCB, including and Events/Calendar integration. All of our integration options are listed below:

h5. 1. Events - $1,350

*_Important things to note with CCB events integration._*
* CCB Does not have a way to feature events. If you'd like to keep this section of the events layout you would need to add featured event information into the CMS.
* The API also does not have a way to include images. We have however worked with a few churches who used html to add images into the description field of the event within CCB.

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h5. 2. Groups – $1,500

*_Important things to note with CCB small group integration_*

* The API also does not have a way to include images. We have however worked with a few churches who used html to add images into the description field of the event within CCB.

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h5. 3. Site Search – $600

*_Important things to note with CCB integration and site search_*
* The site search currently only looks at information entered into the CMS. We could add tabs for events or groups that pull in results from CCB.

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Please let me know if you have any further questions about the CCB integrations we offer and also let me know if you would like to move forward with any of these integration options.


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